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Custom Video Production
For concepts or production goals that don’t fit into on of our standard video categories, we’ll work with you to develop a custom video production plan. Whether you have a specific video vision that you want turned into reality, or a unique video need - we'll work with you to understand your business and develop a solution that best suits your budget.
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9:00am-5:00pm | M-F Eastern Time
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Some brands we've done Custom Video Production for include:
Let's Talk!
9:00am-5:00pm | M-F Eastern Time
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Have it your way
Video to fit your unique business needs.
Your business is unique, and your videos should be too! Whether you need just one video, or one-hundred videos, we’re happy to take a custom approach to your project. There’s no “one size fits all” video here – instead, every video is built from the ground up. Your custom video might simply be unique in its design, or require an unusual approach to fit the desired goals within the available budget. Alternatively, it might be a complex project – requiring the perfect combination of script, actors, editing, motion graphics, and music.
Here to Help
Collaboration at any stage of the project.

Some custom video projects begin with a precise vision, and we’re brought on to produce the video and bring it to life. Other projects start with a desired outcome, a goal, or part of an idea. We’ll collaborate with you to fully develop the project concept, understand your budget, and present an approach for a successful project that can be delivered within that budget. Regardless of the initial approach, we’ll always make recommendations where we see opportunities for improvement or budget savings – but the final decision is always yours.

Endless Opportunities
Custom production plans for unique video projects.
We’ve had the opportunity to create video-art installations, produced to precise specifications. Apply simple “no budget” visual effect techniques to local commercials, for advertisements that are unique and memorable. Combine motion graphics with live video, for critical presentations that are detailed and compelling. Produce scripted sketches with a cast of actors, build educational training modules, and so much more. Every custom project is an exciting chance for a unique combination of techniques – we hope to work with you on your next custom video production!
Ready for More Information? a Free Quote? a Consultation? Let's Talk!
Every video project begins with a conversation. Whether you’re exploring video for the first time, or have a comprehensive vision with detailed requirements – we’re here to help.
Let's Talk!
9:00am-5:00pm | M-F Eastern Time
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• Office Loop Project
• Art Wall Project
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